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Market Strategy

[The Economist] World GDP(2012.6.27 수) Focus World GDP Jun 26th 2012, 18:27 by The Economist online The world economy's growth accelerated in the first three months of the year, according to The Economist's measure of global GDP, based on 52 countries. First-quarter output expanded by 2.9% compared to the same period last year, one-tenth of a percentage point higher than in the previous quarter. Austerity measures in Europe, coupled .. 더보기
[Krugman] Greece as Victim(희생양이 된 그리스)(2012.6.19 화) June 17, 2012 Greece as Victim 희생양이 된 그리스 By PAUL KRUGMAN 폴 크루그먼 Ever since Greece hit the skids, we've heard a lot about what's wrong with everything Greek. Some of the accusations are true, some are false — but all of them are beside the point. Yes, there are big failings in Greece's economy, its politics and no doubt its society. But those failings aren't what caused the crisis that is tearin.. 더보기
[The Economist] Who’s bigger?(미국vs 중국)(2012.6.15 금) Daily chart Who's bigger? Jun 14th 2012, 15:26 by The Economist online More countries are saying that China is world's leading economic power 중국이 세계 경제를 이끄는 나라가 될 것 AMERICA has been the world's leading economic power since 1871. 미국은 1871년 이래 세계 경제를 이끄는 선봉장이었다. It has contributed some 30% on average to world GDP since 1960 and made up 22% of the cake in 2011 (at market exchange rates). 미국은 1960년 .. 더보기
[The Economist] Roiled(요동친 석유시장)(2012.6.14 목) Daily chart Roiled Jun 13th 2012, 14:48 by The Economist online Another tumultuous year for oil markets 또 다시 찾아온 오일시장의 격동기 IT WAS a "turbulent year" for global oil markets according to BP's Statistical Review of World Energy, published on June 13th. 6월 13일에 발간된 BP(British Petroleum)사의 세계 에너지 시장 통계에 따르면, 2011년은 세계 오일 시장의 격동의 해였다. Libya's civil war and the Arab spring played a part in crimping sup.. 더보기
[The Economist] China’s monetary policy(중국의 통화정책)(2012.6.13 수) Focus China's monetary policy Jun 12th 2012, 18:16 by The Economist online THE People's Bank of China cut interest rates last week for the first time since December 2008. 중국 인민은행은 지난주, 2008년 12월 이래 처음으로 금리를 인하했다. Its one-year lending rate now stands at 6.31%, which still leaves room for further cuts to help soften the economic slowdown. 1년 대출 금리는 6.31%이고, 아직은 경기둔화 완화를 위한 추가 금리 인하가 가능한 상황이다. Indu.. 더보기
[The Economist] Give peace a score(2012.6.13 수) Daily chart Give peace a score Jun 12th 2012, 13:30 by The Economist online A global ranking of peacefulness QUANTIFYING peace is a bit like trying to describe how happiness smells: people generally recognise it when they come across it, which rules out the need for further examination. This has not deterred the Institute for Economics and Peace, a think-tank, which has developed a global peace .. 더보기
[Business Insider] The Spanish Bailout Disaster(스페인 구제금융의 재앙)(2012.6.12 화) CHART OF THE DAY: The Spanish Bailout Disaster 스페인 구제금융의 재앙 Simone Foxman | Jun. 11, 2012, 12:12 PM | 1,028 | Despite a strong start, European markets quickly soured to a proposed Spanish bank bailout, accelerating a mid-day sell-off. 유럽시장이 강세로 출발했음에도 불구하고, 일중 매도세가 급격히 증가하는 등 스페인 은행 구제금융 안에 시큰둥한 반응을 보였다. Investors are now concerned that aid provided by international bailout funds would subordina.. 더보기
[The Economist] What recession?(경기침체는 없다?)(2012.6.1 금) Daily chart What recession? May 31st 2012, 14:27 by The Economist online If wage bills at top football clubs were a reliable indicator of economic activity, Europe would be doing just fine 최상위 축구 구단들의 급여 수준이 경제활동을 잴 수 있는 신뢰성 있는 지표가 된다면, 현재 유럽 경제는 문제가 없다고 볼 수 있다. ON JUNE 8th the European football championship kicks off, when Poland play Greece in Warsaw. However, most money in European football l.. 더보기
[The Economist] Stereotypes of Europe(유럽인의 고정관념)(2012.5.31 목) Greeks say they are the hardest-working European nation Stereotypes of Europe May 30th 2012, 16:13 by The Economist online ONCE in a while an opinion poll throws up an insight that is very revealing; yesterday it was the Pew Global survey of European countries. Among the usual questions about attitudes to the euro and the European Union, people in eight nations (Britain, France, Germany, the Cze.. 더보기
[BBC] Who works the longest hours?(가장 오래 일하는 나라는?)(2012.5.31 목) Who works the longest hours? Do you work a lot or a little? Type in your hours, and we'll tell you how you compare with the average employee in your own country, and the average across 34 developed nations. 당신은 일을 많이 하나요? 조금 하나요? 당신이 일하는 시간을 입력해보세요. 그러면 당신이 살고 있는 나라의 평균 근로시간 및 34개 선진 국가들의 평균과 비교를 해드립니다. The figures come from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), some.. 더보기
[The Economist] More coffee, less midnight oil(2012.5.30 수) Focus More coffee, less midnight oil May 29th 2012, 18:16 by The Economist online IN 2010 China drank just 25,000 tonnes-worth of coffee, or less than half a cup per person, compared with over 1m tonnes of tea. 2010년에 중국 사람들은 백만 톤의 차를 마신 반면, 커피는 2만5천톤을 마셨는데, 이는 중국 인구 일인당 반 컵씩을 마신 것과 같다. But its coffee consumption will grow by an average rate of almost 40% a year from 2011 to 2015, according to f.. 더보기
[Business Insider] The Biggest Driver Of Equity Returns Since 1970(2012.5.29 화) CHART OF THE DAY: The Biggest Driver Of Equity Returns Since 1970 Sam Ro | May 25, 2012, 7:49 AM Dylan Grice, Societe Generale's eloquent investment strategist and author of the Popular Delusions note, just introduced his "Quality Income Index." His thesis is pretty straightforward: Invest in high quality companies with sustainable dividends. Here's one of the key charts from his report. It show.. 더보기
[The Economist] How to feed a planet(지구를 먹여 살릴 방법)(2012.5.29 화) Daily chart How to feed a planet May 28th 2012, 13:35 by The Economist online Why the world needs an agricultural revolution in Africa THIS chart is the nearest thing to a snapshot of everything you need to know about feeding the world. It comes from Cargill, a grain trading company, and shows which regions of the world have a food surplus or deficit, and how imports or exports have changed sinc.. 더보기
[Business Insider] Oil Falls Below $90 For The First Time Since October(2012.5.24 목) CHART OF THE DAY: Oil Falls Below $90 For The First Time Since October Rob Wile | May 23, 2012, 4:41 PM | Crude oil futures fell below $90 per barrel just after noon. This is the first time since last fall prices fell below $90 since October. Prices for July delivery of West Texas Intermediate contracts dropped 2 percent. Exxon, Chevron and ConocoPhillips were all down more than 1 percent. 더보기
[OECD] OECD Better Life Index (2012.5.23 수) 행복을 판단하는 기준에는 여러 가지가 있을 것인데, 그래도 일반적인 요소들을 꼽으라면, 주거(Housing) 수입(Income) 직업(Jobs) 지역사회(Community) 교육(Education) 환경(Environment) 시민참여(Civic Engagement) 건강(Health) 삶에 대한 만족(Life Satisfaction) 안전(Safety) 일과 생활의 균형(Work-Life Balance) 요정도면 누구나 수긍할 만한 삶의 판단 기준이 되겠네요. OECD에서 세계 36개국을 대상으로 Better Life의 정도를 비교할 수 있는 지수를 만들었습니다. 자세한 내용은 www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org 에서 확인이 가능합니다. 제가 요즘 가장 관심을 가지고 지켜보는 나라, 호주.. 더보기
[CNBC] The 5 Best and Worst IPOs Since 2000(2000년 이후 최고/최악의 IPO 5선)(2012.5.23 수) 5. (Worst) Genworth Financial (GNW) Total return from offer price: -63.33% Offer Price: $19.50 Offer date: 5/24/2004 First day return: N/A IPO deal size: $2.82 billion Industry: Multi-Line Insurance 5. (Best) China Life Insurance (LFC) Total return from offer price: +486.85% Offer Price: $18.68 Offer date: 12/11/2003 First day return: -52.38% IPO deal size: $2.87 billion Industry: Life/Health In.. 더보기
[Business Insider] Facebook falls on its Face 페북 망하다(2012.5.23 수) CHART OF THE DAY: Facebook Falls On Its Face Jay Yarow | May 22, 2012, 5:04 PM | It's only been three days, but Facebook's time on the public markets has been rocky. As you can see in this chart, the stock has dropped 18% from its IPO price, losing over $15 billion in market cap. 페북 주가가 망가지는데 겨우 3일 걸렸다. 공모가에서 18% 급락하면서 시총이 150억불 날아갔다. 더보기
[The Economist] “Smartphonatics”(2012.5.23 수) Financial services SOME 35% of consumers use a mobile phone for making payments, and 45% use one for banking, according to a recent survey of 14 countries by ACI Worldwide, a payment systems company, and Aite Group, a research firm. A group labelled "smartphonatics"—those who change their shopping, financial and payment behaviour as a result of owning a smartphone—are said to be driving demand f.. 더보기
[Business Insider] Facebook VS Apple VS Google since 2008 CHART OF THE DAY : Facebook's Stock Versus Apple And Google Since 2008 Jay Yarow | May 18, 2012, 9:27 AM | Here's an awesome chart from CNBC comparing the stock growth of Facebook to Apple and Google since 2008 using private market data from Second Market for Facebook. As you can see, Facebook was a much better investment! However, the average investor couldn't get in on Facebook. And, even if h.. 더보기
[Business Insider] Greece’s Stock Market Collapes Vs. The Crash Of 1929(2012.5.15 화) CHART OF THE DAY Greece's Stock Market Collapse Vs. The Crash Of 1929 그리스 주식시장 붕괴 vs. 1929년의 폭락 Eric Platt | May 14, 2012, 12:12 PM | 2,123 | 4 It's 1929 all over again, but not in the U.S. 1929년이 다시 돌아왔다. 하지만 이번엔 미국이 아니다. As Greek markets hit levels not seen since the 90s, we thought it appropriate to look at how the Dow performed during the Great Depression. 그리스 주식시장이 90년대 이후 최저점을 깨면서, 대공황 때 다.. 더보기