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[Business Insider] The Biggest Driver Of Equity Returns Since 1970(2012.5.29 화) CHART OF THE DAY: The Biggest Driver Of Equity Returns Since 1970 Sam Ro | May 25, 2012, 7:49 AM Dylan Grice, Societe Generale's eloquent investment strategist and author of the Popular Delusions note, just introduced his "Quality Income Index." His thesis is pretty straightforward: Invest in high quality companies with sustainable dividends. Here's one of the key charts from his report. It show.. 더보기
[The Economist] How to feed a planet(지구를 먹여 살릴 방법)(2012.5.29 화) Daily chart How to feed a planet May 28th 2012, 13:35 by The Economist online Why the world needs an agricultural revolution in Africa THIS chart is the nearest thing to a snapshot of everything you need to know about feeding the world. It comes from Cargill, a grain trading company, and shows which regions of the world have a food surplus or deficit, and how imports or exports have changed sinc.. 더보기
[Business Insider] Oil Falls Below $90 For The First Time Since October(2012.5.24 목) CHART OF THE DAY: Oil Falls Below $90 For The First Time Since October Rob Wile | May 23, 2012, 4:41 PM | Crude oil futures fell below $90 per barrel just after noon. This is the first time since last fall prices fell below $90 since October. Prices for July delivery of West Texas Intermediate contracts dropped 2 percent. Exxon, Chevron and ConocoPhillips were all down more than 1 percent. 더보기
[OECD] OECD Better Life Index (2012.5.23 수) 행복을 판단하는 기준에는 여러 가지가 있을 것인데, 그래도 일반적인 요소들을 꼽으라면, 주거(Housing) 수입(Income) 직업(Jobs) 지역사회(Community) 교육(Education) 환경(Environment) 시민참여(Civic Engagement) 건강(Health) 삶에 대한 만족(Life Satisfaction) 안전(Safety) 일과 생활의 균형(Work-Life Balance) 요정도면 누구나 수긍할 만한 삶의 판단 기준이 되겠네요. OECD에서 세계 36개국을 대상으로 Better Life의 정도를 비교할 수 있는 지수를 만들었습니다. 자세한 내용은 www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org 에서 확인이 가능합니다. 제가 요즘 가장 관심을 가지고 지켜보는 나라, 호주.. 더보기
[CNBC] The 5 Best and Worst IPOs Since 2000(2000년 이후 최고/최악의 IPO 5선)(2012.5.23 수) 5. (Worst) Genworth Financial (GNW) Total return from offer price: -63.33% Offer Price: $19.50 Offer date: 5/24/2004 First day return: N/A IPO deal size: $2.82 billion Industry: Multi-Line Insurance 5. (Best) China Life Insurance (LFC) Total return from offer price: +486.85% Offer Price: $18.68 Offer date: 12/11/2003 First day return: -52.38% IPO deal size: $2.87 billion Industry: Life/Health In.. 더보기
[Business Insider] Facebook falls on its Face 페북 망하다(2012.5.23 수) CHART OF THE DAY: Facebook Falls On Its Face Jay Yarow | May 22, 2012, 5:04 PM | It's only been three days, but Facebook's time on the public markets has been rocky. As you can see in this chart, the stock has dropped 18% from its IPO price, losing over $15 billion in market cap. 페북 주가가 망가지는데 겨우 3일 걸렸다. 공모가에서 18% 급락하면서 시총이 150억불 날아갔다. 더보기
[The Economist] “Smartphonatics”(2012.5.23 수) Financial services SOME 35% of consumers use a mobile phone for making payments, and 45% use one for banking, according to a recent survey of 14 countries by ACI Worldwide, a payment systems company, and Aite Group, a research firm. A group labelled "smartphonatics"—those who change their shopping, financial and payment behaviour as a result of owning a smartphone—are said to be driving demand f.. 더보기
[Business Insider] Facebook VS Apple VS Google since 2008 CHART OF THE DAY : Facebook's Stock Versus Apple And Google Since 2008 Jay Yarow | May 18, 2012, 9:27 AM | Here's an awesome chart from CNBC comparing the stock growth of Facebook to Apple and Google since 2008 using private market data from Second Market for Facebook. As you can see, Facebook was a much better investment! However, the average investor couldn't get in on Facebook. And, even if h.. 더보기
[Business Insider] Greece’s Stock Market Collapes Vs. The Crash Of 1929(2012.5.15 화) CHART OF THE DAY Greece's Stock Market Collapse Vs. The Crash Of 1929 그리스 주식시장 붕괴 vs. 1929년의 폭락 Eric Platt | May 14, 2012, 12:12 PM | 2,123 | 4 It's 1929 all over again, but not in the U.S. 1929년이 다시 돌아왔다. 하지만 이번엔 미국이 아니다. As Greek markets hit levels not seen since the 90s, we thought it appropriate to look at how the Dow performed during the Great Depression. 그리스 주식시장이 90년대 이후 최저점을 깨면서, 대공황 때 다.. 더보기
[The Economist] Top flights(세계에서 가장 많이 이용되는 항공로)(2012.5.15 화) Daily chart Top flights May 14th 2012, 14:44 by The Economist online Where are the world's busiest airline routes? 세계에서 가장 많이 이용되는 항공로는? JEJU, on the South Korean island of the same name, is not one of the country's 20 biggest cities. Yet the island's allure as a domestic tourist destination resulted in 9.9m passengers flying between Seoul and Jeju (in either direction) in 2011. This makes it th.. 더보기
[The Economist] Are they worth it?(CEO들의 급여는 적절한가?)(2012.5.9 수) The ratio of CEO to worker compensation 근로자 대비 CEO에 대한 보상비율 Are they worth it? 그들이 이정도 대우를 받을 가치가 있나? May 8th 2012, 14:03 by J.S, London In a new paper the Economic Policy Institute, a think-tank, calculates that chief executives at America's 350 biggest companies were paid 231 times as much as the average private-sector worker in 2011. 경제정책연구소의 신규 보고서에 따르면, 2011년 미국의 350개 대기업의 CEO의 급여는 민간부문 평균 .. 더보기
[Stiglitz] After Austerity(긴축정책 그 이후…)(2012.5.9 수) After Austerity 긴축 이후… 07 May 2012 Joseph E. Stiglitz NEW YORK – This year's annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund made clear that Europe and the international community remain rudderless when it comes to economic policy. Financial leaders, from finance ministers to leaders of private financial institutions, reiterated the current mantra: the crisis countries have to get their houses.. 더보기
[Business Insider] The Sell-side Indicator(2012.5.8 화) 애널리스트들이 Bearish를 외쳤을 때 시장은 Bullish했다는 내용인데요. 미래를 맞춘다는 것이 물론 어렵겠지만, 어떻게 보면 홀짝과도 같은데…… 씁쓸한 맘이 좀 드네요. CHART OF THE DAY: The Last Time Wall Street Strategists Felt This Way, Stocks Surged Like Crazy 월가의 스트래티지스트들이 이렇게 생각했을 때, 주식은 미친듯이 올랐다. Sam Ro | May 7, 2012, 3:26 PM | 1,479 | 5 Bank of America's U.S. equity strategy team just boosted its year end target on the S&P 500 to 1,450 from 1,400. 뱅크오브아메리카.. 더보기
[Krugman] Those Revolting Europeans(들고 일어나는 유럽인들)(2012.5.7 월) May 6, 2012 Those Revolting Europeans By PAUL KRUGMAN The French are revolting. The Greeks, too. And it's about time. 프랑스 사람들이 들고 일어났다. 그리스 사람들도 마찬가지. 자, 이제 때가 왔다. Both countries held elections Sunday that were in effect referendums on the current European economic strategy, and in both countries voters turned two thumbs down. It's far from clear how soon the votes will lead to changes in actual.. 더보기
[Business Insider] 4월 전세계 주요 자산 클래스 별 성과(수익률)(2012.5.4 금) CHART OF THE DAY: How Every Major Asset Class In The World Performed In April 4월 전세계 주요 자산 클래스 별 성과는 어떠했나? Sam Ro | May 3, 2012, 12:58 PM | Overall, April was a pretty mediocre if not subpar month for investors. 일단 4월은 투자하기 그다지 좋지 않은 수준에 머물렀다. But as long as you weren't long Spanish equities, you probably have little to complain about. 하지만 당신이 스페인 주식을 매수하지 않았다면, 아마도 별다른 불만은 없을 것이다. From Thomson .. 더보기
[Market Watch] 실망스런 ADP보고서에 속지 말자(2012.5.4 금) Don't be fooled by the weak ADP report 실망스러운 ADP 보고서에 속지 말자 May 3, 2012, 12:01 a.m. EDT By Kathleen Madigan of Dow Jones Newswires NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — The ADP jobs report is like a margarita: best taken with some salt. ADP 고용보고서는 소금과 함께 먹어야 맛있는 마가리타 같다.(고진감래?) Payroll processor Automatic Data Processing Inc. (ADP) said Wednesday only 119,000 private-sector jobs were created in April, far be.. 더보기
[The Economist] 경제전망 예상치(2012.5.4 금) Focus The Economist poll of forecasters May 3rd 2012, 15:06 by The Economist online Growth prospects in parts of Europe have diminished drastically in the past 12 months. In May 2011 our forecasters reckoned that Spanish and Italian GDP would grow by over 1% in 2012; now they expect both economies to shrink by 1.7%. The outlook for other European countries has worsened too, thanks to worries ove.. 더보기
[Business Insider] 스페인과 미국의 청년실업률(2012.5.3 목) CHART OF THE DAY: American Youth Will Have Nothing To Complain About Once They See This 미국 젊은이들이 이걸 본다면 불평하지 못할 것이다. Mamta Badkar | May 2, 2012, 3:23 PM | 935 | 14 Spanish youth unemployment climbed to 51.1 percent in March, from 50.9 percent the previous month. This number was 6.2 percentage points higher than the 44.9 percent youth unemployment rate a year ago. 스페인 청년 실업률이 전월 50.9에서 3월에 51.1%까.. 더보기
[The Economist] 곡물 가격(2012.5.2 수) Focus Grain prices May 1st 2012, 18:11 by The Economist online SOYABEAN prices rose past $15 a bushel at the end of April, the highest since a mid-2008 spike in futures to $16.63. Concerns over supply shortages, due to dry weather conditions in South America (Brazil and Argentina together account for 46% of global soyabean production), have contributed to the surge. Prices are up a quarter since.. 더보기
[Business Insider] 애플의 (무서운)성장세 CHART OF THE DAY: Apple's Growth In Context Jay Yarow | Apr. 27, 2012, 1:54 PM | 2,831 | 17 How impressive was Apple's most recent quarter? These two charts should help. 애플 사의 최근 분기(1Q12) 실적이 얼마나 끝내줬을까? 다음 두 개의 차트를 보자. Take a look at Apple's revenue growth compared to the four most important companies in the tech space. Its growth blows them all away. Tech분야에서 가장 중요한 4개의 회사와 애플의 수익(매출) 성장을 비교해보자.. 더보기