S&P Cuts Credit Ratings on Several Large Banks
Standard & Poor's cut its credit ratings on several large US and European banks Tuesday as part of a sweeping overhaul of its ratings criteria.
S&P가 등급 평가 기준을 재정비 하면서 몇몇 미국/유럽 대형은행들의 신용등급을 하향했다.
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JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America,Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley,Wells Fargo, Barclays, HSBC Holdings and UBS all had their ratings reduced by one notch each. A notch is one third of a letter rating.
제이피모건 체이스, 뱅크오브아메리카, 씨티, 골드만삭스, 모건스탠리, 웰스 파코, 바클래이스, HSBC, UBS가 한등급씩 강등됐다.
Although S&P began warning the markets more than a year ago that it was revising its ratings, the announcement comes at a time when the markets for bank debts are fragile.
이미 1년도 더 전에 S&P가 등급을 갱신하면서 시장에 경고를 하긴 했었지만
은행 부채가 위태로운 상황에서 강등 발표가 나왔다.
"Banks could see higher funding costs," said Guy LeBas, chief fixed income strategist at Janney Montgomery Scott in Philadelphia.
(이제) "은행들은 더 높은 차입 비용을 부담해야 한다"고
Guy LeBas 수석채권전략가는 말했다.
The ratings cuts were announced as S&P released its updated ratings on 37 of the biggest banking companies in the world. Revised ratings are to be announced for more than 750 banks over coming weeks, S&P said earlier this month.
S&P는 37개의 세계 대형은행들의 등급을 재갱신하면서 강등시켰고, 다음주에는 750여개 이상의 은행들의 등급이 발표될 것이라고 이달 초 밝혔었다.
[ Source : CNBC, http://www.cnbc.com/id/45482560 ]
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